ESMA reminders

The resources listed below - organised chronologically - are the key messages from the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) for the 2016 reporting season.  

In addition to the FRC reminders, the ESMA has also put out its own reminders to reporters as to how to improve the quality of disclosures in financial statements and has also provided an indication of those areas that it (and national enforcers - the FRC in the UK) will be focusing on when reviewing listed companies' 2016 financial statements.  UK companies should consider these enforcement priorities carefully in preparing their 2016 financial statements.  

UK companies with securities traded on regulated markets should follow the ESMA Guidelines on Alternative Performance Measures.  The FRC has indicated that it will be considering the ESMA Guidelines when reviewing company reports and accounts in assessing whether they are fair, balanced and comprehensive.  Frequently asked questions on the Guidelines have been published by the FRC to assist directors. 

Related Publications

ESMA publishes final guidelines on alternative performance measures

30 Jun, 2015

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published its final Guidelines on Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) for listed issuers. The guidelines apply to issuers with securities traded on regulated markets, and persons responsible for drawing up a prospectus. They are effective from 3 July 2016.

ESMA publishes report on the activities of accounting enforcers and their findings within the EU in 2014

31 Mar, 2015

All in all, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) sees improved transparency in European IFRS financial statements but believes that more information is needed on forbearance practices and impairment tests.

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