Integrated Reporting news

The International Integrated Reporting Framework (IIRF), published by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) in December 2013, explains the fundamental concepts of integrated reporting and provides principles-based guidance for entities wishing to prepare an integrated report. 

Although there is no requirement in the UK to comply with the IIRF, this page provides a number of news items for those companies wishing to learn more.

Latest news

ACCA publishes research paper exploring the impact of Integrated Reporting on the finance profession

13 Mar, 2014

The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) has published a research paper that explores the possible impacts that Integrated Reporting (<IR>) may have on the role of the finance professional.

ACCA survey highlights that companies are adopting a ‘wait and see’ approach to integrated reporting

18 Feb, 2014

The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) has issued a report: ‘Understanding investors: the changing corporate perspective which is the last in a four-part series examining what investors want from corporate reporting. The report has a particular emphasis on respondent’s views on real-time reporting and moving to an integrated reporting model and also considers the relationships between Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) and their auditors.

ACCA, IAAER and IIRC invite proposals for research into integrated reporting

01 Feb, 2014

ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), IAAER (International Association for Accounting Education and Research), and the IIRC (International Integrated Reporting Council) invite researchers to submit proposals addressing three areas of Integrated Reporting (<IR>) that need to be developed further.

IMA suggests actions to reap the benefits of integrated reporting

13 Dec, 2013

In a reaction to the release of the International Integrated Reporting <IR> Framework last Monday, the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) has outlined several actions to transform corporate reporting to better serve the public interest. IMA opines that the goals behind integrated reporting must be defined and that producing an integrated report should not be a goal in itself.

IIRC finalises its Framework for integrated reporting

09 Dec, 2013

The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has released its ‘International Integrated Reporting Framework’ ( Framework). The Framework seeks to explain the fundamental concepts, principles and content requirements underlying an 'integrated report', which is considered the next step in the evolution of corporate reporting.

IIRC Pilot Programme Investor Network recommendations for preparers of integrated reports

23 Oct, 2013

The Pilot Programme Investor Network (“the Investor Network”) of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has identified a number of recommendations to assist preparers of integrated reports (“The 2013 Investor Critique”). The recommendations stem from a recent review of “selected reports” from the Pilot Programme Business Network (“the Business Network”).

ICAEW report explores the potential for assurance services to extend to the “front half” of annual reports

02 Oct, 2013

The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales Narrative Assurance Working Party (“the ICAEW Narrative Assurance Working Party”) has published a report exploring the potential for assurance services to be extended to cover, not just the financial statements, but the whole of the annual report.

IIRC releases further background papers on 'connectivity' and 'value creation'

14 Aug, 2013

The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has released two more 'background papers', providing further information about key concepts in its proposed International Integrated Reporting Framework. The new papers cover the topics of 'connectivity' and 'value creation'.

IIRC publishes 'Consultation Draft' on integrated reporting

15 Apr, 2013

The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has released the Consultation Draft of its proposed International Integrated Reporting (<IR>) Framework. The draft Framework seeks to create the foundations for a new reporting model to enable organisations to provide concise communications of how they create value over time.

IIRC publishes 'prototype' framework, reaffirms timeline for finalisation

27 Nov, 2012

The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has released a finalised 'prototype' of its integrated reporting framework (stylised as '<IR>') and reaffirmed the expected timing of the issue of a consultative document as it moves towards finalisation of the framework by the end of 2013.

IIRC announces 'integrated reporting examples database'

24 Oct, 2012

The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has launched an 'Integrated Reporting Emerging Practice Examples Database', which contains integrated reporting examples from businesses around the world.

IIRC releases draft framework outline

13 Jul, 2012

The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has released a draft outline of its forthcoming Integrated Reporting Framework. The outline establishes for the first time the basic structure of the Framework and is intended to keep stakeholders informed as the Framework is developed.

IIRC publishes feedback summary, commits to integrated reporting framework by end of 2013

15 Jun, 2012

The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has released a summary of feedback received on its 2011 Discussion Paper 'Towards Integrated Reporting—Communicating Value in the 21st Century' and committed to publishing its 'Integrated Reporting Framework' by the end of 2013.

IIRC issues Discussion Paper on Integrated Reporting, proposes a new approach to corporate reporting

11 Sep, 2011

The International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC) today released a Discussion Paper 'Towards Integrated Reporting – Communicating Value in the 21st Century'.

IIRC to publish Discussion Paper on Integrated Reporting in June

25 May, 2011

The International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC) met in New York on Friday 13th May 2011. At the meeting, the IIRC reviewed a draft Discussion Paper on Integrated Reporting which is due to be published for public consultation in June.

International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC) formed to pursue sustainability accounting framework

02 Aug, 2010

The Prince's Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) have announced the formation of the International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC). The IIRC aims to create a globally accepted framework for accounting for sustainability, bringing together financial, environmental, social and governance information in an "integrated" format.

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