Leading investment firms join a new IASB feedback programme

  • IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) (blue) Image

02 Dec, 2014

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has announced the launch of a new 'Investors in Financial Reporting' programme designed to foster greater investor participation in the development of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

At the heart of the programme is statement of shared beliefs, signed by all participants, that:

  • highlights the importance of high quality, transparent reporting for building trust in the capital markets and for making investment decisions;
  • publicly reaffirms the IASB's commitment to continue to seek and consider investor views in the development of new accounting standards; and
  • documents the investors community's commitment to the development of high quality financial reporting standards by working with the IASB to ensure that the investor perspective is articulated clearly and is considered in the standard-setting process.

As part of the programme, the investment firms commit to an ongoing dialogue, executive level support of the programme and access to analysts and portfolio managers. In return, the IASB has committed to providing an improved channel through which to influence standard development, developing investor-tailored webcasts, providing investor-friendly articles on proposed changes, providing access to IASB members and staff, and providing investor-focused education sessions.

Please click for more information on the new programme on the IASB's website.

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