Pre-meeting-summaries for the November IASB meeting

  • IASB meeting (blue) Image

12 Nov, 2015

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) will meet at its offices in London on 18–19 November 2015. We have posted our pre-meeting summaries for the meeting that allow you to follow the IASB’s decision making more closely. For each topic to be discussed we summarised the agenda papers made available by the IASB staff and point out the main issues to be discussed by the IASB and the staff recommendations.

Check out the summaries for the forthcoming discussions on fair value measurement, post-employment benefits, goodwill and impairment, insurance contracts, the research project on share-based payment, and IFRS implementation issues. We have added them to our meeting note page and will supplement them with our popular meeting notes after the meeting.

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