Chairman of the FRC highlights the importance of the auditor when establishing a corporate culture

  • FRC Image

24 Jun, 2016

The Chairman of the FRC, Sir Win Bischoff, has highlighted, in a speech at the Deloitte Global Forum 2016, the importance of the auditor when establishing a corporate culture.

Sir Win Bischoff highlighted the work of the FRC in promoting good corporate behaviour through its Culture Coalition; a group of organisations containing the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), the Institute of Business Ethics (IBE) and City Values Forum specifically focused on culture.  Sir Win Bischoff previously discussed the issue of corporate culture at a conference in March 2016.

Speaking at the Deloitte Forum, Sir Win Bischoff commented that “Nobody is in a position to develop a better feel for the culture of an organisation than its auditor.” He further stated that despite this not being a specifically prescribed duty for the auditor, it nevertheless “is a responsibility you may well agree you have towards investors.”

The full text of the speech can be obtained from the FRC’s website. 

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