Recent sustainability reporting developments

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21 Jul, 2016

A summary of recent developments at the Natural Capital Coalition, the SASB and GRI.

The Natural Capital Coalition has launched the Natural Capital Protocol, a standardised framework bringing together and building on a number of approaches that already exist to help business measure and value natural capital. The Natural Capital Protocol is freely available on the Natural Capital Coalition website.

The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) has issued industry-by-industry engagement guidance for investors to assist asset owners and asset managers in using SASB standards and asking the right questions about material sustainability factors. Please click to download the guidance from the SASB website.

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has announced that Chief Executive Michael Meehan will leave the organisation. Former Deloitte Partner Eric Hespenheide has been appointed Interim Chief Executive and stands down from his position as Chair of the Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB) in line with governance procedures. Please click for the press release on the GRI website.

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