Agenda for AOSSG annual meeting

  • AOSSG (Asian-Oceanian Standard-Setters Group) (dk green) Image

18 Nov, 2016

The eighth annual meeting of the Asian-Oceanian Standard Setters Group (AOSSG) will be held in Wellington on 29-30 November 2016. A first glimpse of the agenda for the meeting is now available through a press release on the KASB website.

According to the press release, the meeting will feature the following sessions:

  • Australia and Korea will address the effect of IFRS adoption in their jurisdictions respectively;
  • New Zealand will share the findings of a research on user information needs;
  • Japan will address the implication of negative interest rate environment;
  • Hong Kong will share its research outcome on a project–Business Combination Under Common Control (BCUCC);
  • India will raise the issue of classification–current or non-current–of security deposit under IFRS;
  • Thailand and Sri Lanka will raise issues of IFRS implementation;
  • Korea will share its experience of operating Technical Support TFs on IFRS 9 and IFRS 15;
  • Malaysia will share a study relating to financial statements of Islamic Financial institutions; and
  • India, Japan and Thailand will present an update on IFRS convergence/adoption in their jurisdictions.

Please click for the full press release on the KASB website and more information on the meeting on the AOSSG website.

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