Summary of the March 2017 CMAC meeting

  • CMAC meeting (mid blue) Image

24 May, 2017

The IASB has released a summary of the Capital Markets Advisory Committee (CMAC) meeting, which was held in London on 16 March 2017.

The topics discussed at the meeting included:

  • Primary financial statements
  • Rate-regulated activities
  • Clarifications to IFRS 8 arising from the post-implementation review
  • IFRS 3 Business Combinations: Definition of a business
  • Disclosure Initiative — outreach planning for the Disclosure Initiative — Principles of Disclosure discussion paper and case studies
  • Education session — insurance contracts

The next CMAC meeting will take place on 15–16 June 2017.

For more information, see the meeting page and the meeting summary on the IASB's website.

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