New Trustees of the IFRS Foundation appointed, Chair Michel Prada continues in his post for the time being

  • IFRS Foundation (blue) Image

14 Dec, 2017

The IFRS Foundation announces that it has appointed seven new Trustees, but that the identification of a successor of the Chair of the Trustees has taken longer than anticipated and therefore Michel Prada has agreed to remain in place until the appointment process is completed.

The following seven new Trustees have been appointed for three-year terms beginning on 1 January 2017:

  • Dame Colette Bowe
  • Larry Leva Global
  • Michel Madelain
  • Ross McInnes
  • Vinod Rai
  • Lucrezia Reichlin
  • Teresa Ko

In addition, Sheila Fraser’s term as Vice-Chair has been extended until December 2019, and Takafumi Sato replaces Ronald Arculli as the second vice-chair from 1 January 2018, following Mr Arculli’s retirement as a Trustee at the end of 2017.

For more information, please see the press release on the IASB website.

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