Summary of the November 2018 GPF meeting

  • GPF meeting (mid blue) Image

13 Feb, 2019

Representatives of the IASB met with the Global Preparers Forum (GPF) in London on 6 November 2018. Notes from the meeting have now been released.

The topics discussed at the meeting included:

  • IASB technical update. An update was given on IASB activities since the last GPF meeting.
  • Primary financial state­ments. The GPF members provided feedback on the IASB’s tentative decisions related to primary financial statements. Specifically, they discussed defined subtotals in the statement of financial performance, management performance measures, and disaggregation.
  • Management commentary. The GPF members discussed developments in the project to update IFRS Practice Statement 1 Management Commentary (Practice Statement), including the objective of management commentary, applying materiality in preparing management commentary, and principles of preparing management commentary.
  • Goodwill and im­pair­ment. The GPF members provided feedback on the disclosure objectives and requirements in development to provide users more information about a business combination and performance.
  • Financial instruments with characteristics of equity. The GPF members were provided with an overview of the key proposals in the Discussion Paper DP/2018/1 Financial Instruments with Characteristics of Equity.

The next GPF meeting will be held on 22 March 2019.

The full meeting summary is available on the IASB's website.

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