Value Reporting Foundation publishes guide around transition to integrated reporting

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23 Sep, 2021

The Value Reporting Foundation has published a guide to help report preparers develop a custom-fit transition plan to integrated reporting.

The guide is a companion to the <IR> Framework.  Like the <IR> Framework, the guide is written in the context of private sector, for-profit companies of any size, but can also be applied by public sector and not-for-profit organizations. 

The Guide explores the basics of integrated reporting, identifies potential catalysts for change, and offers a steppingstone approach to implementation.  Specifically the guide is intended for those interested in:

  • learning the basics of integrated reporting;
  • identifying the catalyst for integrated reporting;
  • preparing for a successful transition to integrated reporting;
  • selecting a starting point for the integrated report; and
  • developing a roadmap for <IR> Framework adoption.

The press release and guide are available on the Value Reporting Foundation website.

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