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Australian research report sheds light on sustainability reporting

05 Apr, 2012

The Australian Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (ACCSR) has released a research report on how stakeholders read sustainability reports, how they use them, how this affects an organisation’s reputation, and what causes stakeholders concern.

The report, The state of CSR in Australia: Stakeholders as readers of sustainability reports, was presented at the Australian Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Conference on Sustainability and Integrated Reporting held in Melbourne on 26-28 March 2012.

The data collected from 16 research projects conducted by ACCSR between 2006 and 2011, relating to stakeholder perceptions of sustainability reports, was analysed to produce the report.

Some of the findings of the research include:

  • A balanced report helps develop trust with stakeholders. Reporting both positive and negative, challenges and achievements, makes stakeholders more likely to see a sustainability report as a credible source of information
  • In terms of engagement with the report, contractors, suppliers and financial stakeholders are most likely to completely read a sustainability report
  • Stakeholders are more likely to use sustainability reports to understand an organisation's sustainability approach rather than sustainability performance
  • The greatest 'reputational uplift' from sustainability reports is gained when stakeholders learn something new about an organisation - producing a sustainability report provides the potential to improve reputation with minimal risk.

Click for access to the ACCSR report (free registration required).

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Chairman Hans Hoogervorst discusses IASB's future agenda

04 Apr, 2012

On 4 April 2012, IASB Chairman Hans Hoogervorst addressed the KASB/Korea Accounting Institute Seminar in Seoul, Korea. In his speech, he focused on the IASB's agenda consultation.

Mr Hoogervorst noted that most of the convergence work with the US Financial Accounting Standards Board is complete. Currently, there are four remaining convergence projects (leases, revenue recognition, financial instruments, and insurance). The chairman is hopeful that the SEC will make a timely decision about the U.S. adopting IFRSs, which will help expedite the completion of the  remaining convergence projects.

One of the most common items from the feedback received during meetings, round-table discussions, and other events was a request for a period of stability. Mr Hoogervorst noted that the IASB's future work programme would focus on 'fixing what needs fixing, and no more', including:

  • completing revisions to the conceptual framework
  • ensuring disclosure requirements are appropriate
  • deciding what to do with other comprehensive income
  • work on smaller projects, such as agriculture, business combinations under common control, hyperinflation and rate-regulated industries.

The chairman commented that the IASB has introduced a new research phase to the work programme. The research phase would be designed to gather preliminary views from within the IASB and other standard-setting groups before it is considered for the IASB’s work programme. Mr Hoogervorst emphasised working with other accounting standard-setting bodies to do research and report back their findings to the IASB, conducting much of the discussion paper phase of the IASB's standard-setting work.  Mr Hoogervorst noted this should enable the IASB to understand national and industry perspectives earlier in the standard setting process.

Further, Mr Hoogervorst remarked:

The introduction of a research phase to our work stream, delivered by other accounting standard-setting bodies within the parameters set by the IASB, is an excellent example of our desire to formalise and strengthen our relationships with other organisations such as the KASB.

Click for speech transcript (link to IASB website).

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Agenda from recent IFASS meeting

04 Apr, 2012

The International Forum of Accounting Standard Setters (IFASS), previously known as the National Standard Setters (NSS), met recently in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Whilst a report from the meeting is not expected for a number of weeks, there was a wide range of important topics discussed at the meeting.

The matters discussed at the meeting, held on 29-30 March 2012, were as follows:

Thursday, 29 March 2012 (8:30-17:30)

  • Chairman's welcome and introduction
  • IASB workplan and IFRS Foundation developments
  • Reports from regional groups:
    • Asian-Oceanian Standard-Setters Group (AOSSG)
    • European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG)
    • Group of Latin American Accounting Standard Setters (GLASS)
    • Pan-African Federation of Accountants (PAFA)
  • IASB Agenda consultation
  • Model for National Standard Setters
  • Report on US developments regarding US GAAP and IFRSs
  • Topical issues
    • Report-back on the paper on income taxes
    • Report-back on the paper on business combinations under common control
    • Development costs (comparability among entities relating to recognition of internally generated intangible assets in the development phase under IAS 38)
    • IAS 32 effect on accounting for foreign currency convertible bonds
    • Accounting standards for small (or micro) -sized entities in different jurisdictions
  • Administrative matters (in camera)

Friday, 30 March 2012 (8:30-16:30)

  • Statement of Best Practice
  • IASB post-implementation reviews
  • Effect analysis
  • Public sector conceptual framework
  • Unit of account
  • Topical issues
    • Subsequent measurement of goodwill: impairment of consumption
    • The Financial Reporting Council's Sharman Enquiry regarding the going concern concept
    • Presentation of operating income in the context of comprehensive income

We have posted the above agenda for the meeting with the kind permission of the IFASS secretariat.

With the IASB beginning to focus on its post-convergence agenda and governance, the role and importance of regional and jurisdictional standard-setters going forward is a key challenge for the IFRS Foundation.  Hans Hoogervorst (IASB Chairman) commented recently about the "need for the IASB to strengthen and formalise its relationships with standard-setters, regulators and the accounting profession".

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UK FRC appoints Richard Fleck as Chairman of FRRP

03 Apr, 2012

The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) announces that Richard Fleck will serve as Chairman of the Financial Reporting Review Panel (FRRP).

Mr. Fleck is succeeding Bill Knight who retired on 31 March after eight years as chairman.

Click for FRC press release (link to FRC website).

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IFRS for SMEs Updates

03 Apr, 2012

The IASB has issued a revised IFRS for SMEs guide and announced the adoption of IFRS for SMEs in Samoa and Ecuador.

The revised Guide to the IFRS for SMEs booklet is designed to provide a briefing of IFRS for SMEs for lenders, creditors, and other interested parties.

In the recent edition of IFRS for SMEs Update newsletter, the staff announced the adoptions of the IFRS for SMEs in Samoa and Ecuador. In Samoa, all non-publicly accountable entities will begin using IFRS for SMEs for financial reporting periods ending on or after 30 June 2012. In Ecuador, IFRS for SMEs is effective for all non-publicly accountable entities for years ending on or after 31 December 2012.

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Agenda for April 2012 IFRS Foundation Trustees meeting

03 Apr, 2012

The IFRS Foundation Trustees will meet at the Crowne Plaza in London on 13 April 2012.

The agenda was publicly released on 2 April 2012 and is available here.

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Our summary of new and revised accounting pronouncements for March 2012

03 Apr, 2012

We've updated our 'summary of new and amended pronouncements' document to provide a high level overview of new and revised accounting pronouncements that should be considered for financial reporting periods ending on or after 31 March 2012.

The resource provides a brief summary of each pronouncement, and indicates whether it must be mandatorily applied for the first time at 31 March 2012, or whether it may be optionally applied, for various quarter ends. This information can be used to ensure that all new financial reporting requirements have been fully considered in the reporting close process.

The information reflects developments to 28 March 2012 and will be updated through to June 2012, after which we'll produce an edition for June 2012 reporting. We'll include a permanent link to the most recent edition of the resource in the right-hand panel of our standards page. The summary is also available for financial reporting periods ending on 31 December 2011 and 30 September 2011.

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IPSASB exposure draft on financial statement discussion and analysis for the public sector

03 Apr, 2012

The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) has published Exposure Draft (ED) 47, 'Financial Statement Discussion and Analysis'.

The material presented in the Exposure Draft is proposed to be developed as an International Public Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS), with the same level of authority as the accrual based IPSASs.

The proposed new IPSAS Standard would apply to all public sector entities other than government business enterprises. These entities would be required to issue the financial statement discussion and analysis when it issues financial statements.

The financial statement discussion and analysis would be identified clearly, distinguished from the financial statements, and would apply the same qualitative characteristics as govern the preparation of financial statements.

Comments are requested by 31 July 2012.  Click for IPSASB press release (link to IFAC website).

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Outcomes from sixth IFRS Regional Policy Forum

02 Apr, 2012

A communiqué has been released from the sixth IFRS Regional Policy Forum held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 26-27 March 2012.

The Malaysian Accounting Standards Board (“MASB”) hosted the forum, which is designed to be one of the key platforms in the Asian Oceanian region for stakeholders including regulators, to discuss IFRS related policy issues.

Representatives from 22 jurisdictions attended - Australia, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, China, Dubai, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Japan, Korea, Macao, Malaysia, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, Syria, Thailand and Vietnam. Hans Hoogervorst (IASB Chairman), Ian Mackintosh (IASB Vice Chairman), Jeffrey Lucy, (IFRS Foundation Trustee), Charles Macek (IFRS Advisory Vice Chairman) and  three other IASB Board members also attended the Forum.

In a keynote address by Tan Sri Zarinah Anwar, Chairman, Securities Commission Malaysia, it was noted that the availability of resources is a key implementation challenge and requires regional and international cooperation to make available experts, financial assistance, build capacity and enhance education. The establishment of the Asian-Oceanian Standard-Setters Group (AOSSG) has been pivotal in facilitating such closer regional collaboration.   It is now also appropriate for IASB to bring Islamic finance into its agenda and ensure the development and implementation of  IFRS  accommodate the needs of this sector.

The Communiqué also includes discussion of:

  • A reaffirmed commitment to adoption of IFRS recognising that for some jurisdictions this is achieved via a process of converging.  It was also noted that full global and regional adoption will take time, especially as stakeholders try to cope with a rapid pace of change in IFRS
  • An expression of appreciation to the IASB for its efforts in conducting a thorough and comprehensive consultation on its future agenda
  • Participants agreed that in working towards a set of globally accepted accounting standards, regulators have to work together not only with IASB but also with their national standard setters and regional standard setting bodies to better align local policies with these international standards and to integrate the requirements of the standards into the
    domestic legal framework
  • It was also acknowledged that for IFRS to be accepted globally, the standards have to be endorsed, implemented, audited and enforced on a consistent basis.

The next meeting of the IFRS Regional Policy Forum is expected to be held in Hong Kong in 2013.

Click for access to the Communiqué (link to MASB website)

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IFRS XBRL taxonomy for 2012 is available

30 Mar, 2012

The IFRS Foundation has published the IFRS Taxonomy 2012. The IFRS Taxonomy is a translation of IFRSs (International Financial Reporting Standards) into XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language).

The 2012 taxonomy is consistent with IFRSs as issued by the IASB at 1 January 2012, and it contains XBRL tags for all IFRS disclosure requirements.

Click here to access the IFRS Taxonomy files and accompanying materials on the IFRS Foundation's website.

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