
IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) (blue) Image
FASB (old) Image

IASB and FASB to hold roundtables on offsetting proposals

18 Mar, 2011

The IASB and FASB have announced plans to hold several public roundtable meetings in May 2011 to discuss the financial asset and financial liability offsetting project.

The locations and dates of the roundtables are as follows:

  • London – Tuesday, 3 May 2011
  • Singapore – Friday, 6 May 2011
  • Norwalk – Monday, 9 May 2011

Details of the location and timings for each roundtable are yet to be finalised. Participants at the roundtables are expected to also submit comments on the IASB exposure draft ED/2011/01 Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities or the identical FASB Exposure Draft Balance Sheet (Topic 210): Offsetting in writing by Wednesday 20 April 2011 (users and analysts may be exempted).

Click for IASB press release (link to IASB website).

IASB Mar 2011 Image

Notes from day 4 of the main March IASB meeting

17 Mar, 2011

The IASB is holding its regular meeting in London on 14-18 March 2011. We've posted Deloitte observer notes from day 4 of the meeting (click through for direct access to the notes):

Thursday, 17 March 2011 (IASB only)

The IASB is holding a meeting with ERFAG on Friday 18 March 2011. The IASB and FASB are meeting in Norwalk on 21-23 March 2011 and an additional IASB-FASB meeting has been scheduled for 28-29 March 2011.

Click here to go to the preliminary and unofficial Notes Taken by Deloitte Observers for the entire meeting.

IFRS Foundation (blue) Image

IFRS Foundation conference in Europe announced

17 Mar, 2011

The IFRS Foundation announced the dates for its conference in Europe, which will be held in Switzerland at the Swissôtel Zûrich on Tuesday 5 July 2011 and Wednesday 6 July 2011. The conference will feature presentations by Hans Hoogervorst, Chairman-elect, and Ian Mackintosh, Vice-Chairman-elect of the IASB, and will focus on the Memorandum of Understanding projects and financial crisis projects.

Highlights of the conference topics include the following:
  • IASB update
    • The future of IFRSs and the path forward for the IASB
    • IASB progress and plans
    • Implementing XBRL IFRS taxonomy
  • Technical updates
    • Leases
    • Revenue
    • Financial Instruments: replacing IAS 39
    • Consolidations and joint arrangements

Additional conference details, including registration, are available here.

EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

EFRAG issues endorsement advice letter on amendments to IFRS 7

17 Mar, 2011

The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has submitted to the European Commission its Endorsement Advice Letter and Effects Study Report on the amendments to IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures – Transfers of Financial Assets.

Please click for EFRAG press release (link to EFRAG website) and the endorsement letter (PDF 1,592k).

IFAC (International Federation of Accountants) (lt gray) Image

IFAC Member Body Compliance Program Strategy exposed for comment

16 Mar, 2011

The Compliance Advisory Panel (CAP) has released for comment the International Federation of Accountants' (IFAC) Proposed Member Body Compliance Program Strategy 2011-2014. .

The IFAC Board established the Compliance Program and the Compliance Advisory Panel (CAP) in November 2003 as part of the so-called 'IFAC reforms'. The primary emphasis of the Program is to encourage continuous improvement by professional accountancy organisations through an ongoing assessment of their commitment to use best endeavours to adopt and support implementation of international financial reporting, auditing, ethical, education, and public sector accounting standards as well as to operate or otherwise support robust quality assurance and investigation and disciplinary mechanisms.

Comments on the paper are requested by 30 May 2011. Click for IFAC press release (link to IFAC website).

IASB Mar 2011 Image

Further notes from the main March IASB meeting

16 Mar, 2011

The IASB is holding its regular meeting in London on 14-18 March 2011, some of which is a joint meeting with the FASB.

We've posted additional Deloitte observer notes from the insurance contracts sessions from the earlier days of the meeting and the notes from day 3 of the meeting (click through for direct access to the notes):

Monday, 14 March 2011 (other sessions)

  • Insurance Contracts (held over two sessions)
    • Alternative presentation models (education session)
    • Practical expedient for the discount rate

Tuesday, 15 March 2011 (other sessions)

  • Insurance contracts
    • Practical measurement of risk adjustment liabilities (education session)
    • A discount rate for participating contracts — the "Asset Liability Rate" (ALR) (education session)
    • Discount rate for participating contracts
    • Definition of an insurance contract

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Agenda changes. A number of changes have also been made to the agenda for the meeting. The session on revenue recognition session originally planned for Wednesday 16 March 2011 was cancelled. The IASB-only sessions on the impairment of financial instruments and the effective date for the forthcoming standards on post-employment benefits and other comprehensive income have been rescheduled to Thursday 17 March 2011.

Our earlier story about the outcomes from this meeting (where leases and fair value measurement was discussed) is available Here. Click here to go to the preliminary and unofficial Notes Taken by Deloitte Observers for the entire meeting.

IASB Mar 2011 Image

Agenda for March joint IASB/EFRAG meeting announced

16 Mar, 2011

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) will hold a joint meeting in London on 18 March 2011.

You can access the agenda on our March 2011 IASB meeting page. We will also post Deloitte observer notes on this page as they are available.

PIOB (Public Interest Oversight Board) (lt gray) Image

PIOB appointments

15 Mar, 2011

The Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB) has announced a number of new board appointments.

The PIOB, currently composed of ten individuals, originating from nine countries on four continents, is an oversight body for the Public Interest Activity Committees (PIACs) of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) – comprising the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB), International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB), International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA), their respective Consultative Advisory Groups and the Compliance Advisory Panel (CAP).

The new appointments (effective from 1 March 2011) are as follows:

  • Eddy Wymeersch (Chairman) - recently served as Chairman of the Committee of European Securities regulators (CESR), and of the European Regional Committee of IOSCO and is replacing Prof. Stavros Thomadakis
  • Chandrashekhar Bhaskar Bhave - previously Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Board of India
  • Charles McDonough - currently Vice President and Controller of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
  • Robert Ward - former National Managing Partner, Regulatory Affairs and Public Policy, at PriceWaterhouseCoopers Australia.

Click for PIOB Secretariat press release (PDF 61k).

IASB Mar 2011 Image

Notes from Days 1 and 2 of the main March IASB meeting

15 Mar, 2011

The IASB is holding its regular meeting in London on 14-18 March 2011, some of which is a joint meeting with the FASB.

We've posted Deloitte observer notes from one session from the first day of the meeting and two sessions from the second day of the meeting (click through for direct access to the notes):

Monday, 14 March 2011

  • Leases
    • Distinguishing between a lease and a purchase or sale
    • Accounting for purchase options

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

  • Leases
    • Accounting for short-term leases
    • Definition of short-term lease
    • Application of short-term lease guidance
    • Pattern of Profit or Loss Recognition
  • Fair Value Measurement
    • Effective dates

Notes from the other sessions on insurance contracts will be posted soon.

Click here to go to the preliminary and unofficial Notes Taken by Deloitte Observers for the entire meeting.

Robert Bruce Image

The Bruce Column – You can only manage what you recognise

14 Mar, 2011

There is only one thing which anyone needs to understand about the arguments over the place of sustainability in financial reporting.

And that is the sheer scale of what is currently left out of financial reporting. As one of the worlds' leading regulators said to me the other day: 'If you had to show the cost of carbon in the financial reporting then the arguments would be over'. In other words if the true costs and effects involved in sustainability issues could be seen in an entity's mainstream reporting all the arguments would evaporate. But the issues of sustainability have struggled to gain full acceptance. Partly this is because of the way it was associated in many people's minds with corporate social responsibility, another area which grew into something worthwhile but was seen as very separate from the central strands of reporting. And partly it is because long-term issues of risk tend not to receive the same attention from a board of directors as something which could bite them firmly on the nose before the next quarters' figures have to be released.

This is why the arguments have changed. At a high level it has to be seen in the context of the enormous crises around us and ahead of us: global financial crises, climate change and ecological overshoot. At an individual corporate level it has to be seen as meaning that companies cannot continue under a 'business as usual' approach. They need to make more with less and secure their supply chains for a sustainable future. And that, as well as positioning the organisation in the right place to strengthen its own sustainability, reduces costs. It is that link which has always been the hardest part to get across and it is that link that is the key to companies acting faster. When the Prince of Wales Accounting for Sustainability Project recently produced a short film to dramatise the issues it opened with a pair of hairy hippies at a music festival. 'How are we going to save the planet today', says one. 'Accountancy', says the other. The twist in the tale is then revealed. The hippies are being played by two of the stars of Dragon's Den, the UK television show in which budding young entrepreneurs pitch for investment in their business ideas. One of the stars, Theo Paphitis, then goes on to interview a series of well-known UK business figures: outgoing Chairman of UK retailer Marks & Spencer, Sir Stuart Rose; Justin King, Chief Executive of supermarket chain Sainsbury; and the ubiquitous symbol of UK enterprise, Sir Richard Branson, all extolling the efficiency and value that pursuing a sustainability agenda across their businesses had brought them. The message was a simple one: eco-warriors and businessmen face the same challenges and should be on the same side. Or as one of the hippies in the film concludes: 'Business people can now become the most effective eco-warriors'.

That might seem a bit of a wild concept compared to the sedentary image of financial reporting but the effectiveness of connecting sustainability reporting with the traditional financial reporting is gaining traction. For a year now the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, for example, has made it compulsory, under a comply or explain principle, that listed companies should produce an integrated report which shows how sustainability issues, social, governance and economic, and financial issues have impacted on strategy so that the user can understand how far the company can create and sustain value. The requirement is enforced for financial years starting on or after March 2010 so the early results should soon be with us.

That is one example. But it shows a direction. The traditional bolt-on corporate greenwash is deemed to be no longer acceptable. For a start it was always seen as separate. The fundamental point is that reporting should be connected. It is not so much that you can only manage what you can measure. It is more that you can only manage what you recognise. And this was the genesis of the Prince's Accounting for Sustainability Project, (A4S). This is how he described it at the Project's Forum at the end of last year. It was a global system for integrated reporting which would provide 'reporting that provides information about an organisation's financial, governance, social and environmental performance. Not, though, in disparate, disconnected sections, but in an integrated form, so that it reflects the way these elements work and interact in the real world. Financial considerations, corporate governance, and social and environmental concerns are all closely related and inter-dependent. And they all flow from the organisation's overall strategy'.

Or as the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, put it at the same event: 'The work of A4S is so impressive precisely because it recognises and encourages the link between the pro-sustainability decisions of top management and their detailed financial and non-financial consequences within organisations'. And he promptly announced that from April this year he intended to implement sustainability reporting across Government with a mandatory requirement for all central government departments and the NHS to publish a sustainability report in their annual reports and accounts. These reports would include details of departments' carbon emissions, waste management and use of finite resources and would include, for example, data on direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions, the absolute cost of waste disposal, data on water consumption, as well as the related financial information, like gross expenditure on greenhouse gas emissions, for example.

Meanwhile the A4S project has spread its wings. Last year it set up the International Integrated Reporting Committee in partnership with the Global Reporting Initiative, the International Federation of Accountants and the project's own Accounting Bodies Network along with other partners. In January it met in Beijing amidst great enthusiasm amongst the Chinese accounting profession. 'There was real engagement and support from the Chinese Government', says Paul Druckman, the IIRC working group Co-Chairman and Chairman of the Executive Board of the A4S project, 'and the Chinese accounting profession was really engaged and involved'. Building on this enthusiasm the next meeting will be in New York in mid-May. In the meantime the concepts need to be fleshed out.

The early days of the project established the need for connection as the catalyst for real change. This continues on the international stage. 'This reporting framework', as the IIRC puts it, 'creates a new form of annual reporting by showing how financial, environmental, social and governance matters are connected and can help to understand and assess the sustainability of business performance'.

'What we want to do as a first step is set out the key concepts of integrated reporting', says Jessica Fries, Director of the A4S project, 'what the components of an integrated reporting framework would be and a roadmap for further development'. All this will draw on the huge amount of discussions which are in the process of taking place. 'We will put out a discussion paper in the summer and building on the responses we receive we will put forward key proposals on integrated reporting and the rationale for it to the G20 meeting at the end of the year', she says. But this is only one step. 'The focus is on the G20 but it is not the be-all and end-all', says Paul Druckman. 'The aim of the G20 focus is to look for support in general. This will help to build momentum towards the goal of integrated reporting and empower those involved to act'. 'It is one step', Jessica Fries emphasises, 'but not the only one. We need a period of companies experimenting in this area and we need to draw upon the different experiences'.

Meanwhile, as the eco-warriors in the film suggested the pressures are coming from within business. Eventually a form of integrated reporting, connecting the financial and the non-financial, and revealing the underlying strategic pressures, will come about. Whether it will be via a practice statement from the International Accounting Standards Board similar to the forthcoming one on management commentary, or whether it will take the form of a 'comply or explain' requirement from stock exchanges around the world, or some other implementation entirely, is up in the air. For Alan Teixeira, Director of Technical Activities at the IASB and a member of the IIRC working group, it makes sense. 'Lots of people think it would fit with the management commentary practice statement', he says. 'It is all about the long-term investor and it is a longer term strategic direction for the IASB. If the G20 go with it they will look for a host and some may look to us. I think it is much more mainstream than many realise'.

What businesses are concerned about are the pressures they are under from issues which tended in the past not to rise as high as a board room agenda in priority. In the words of George Osborne at last December's event: 'The promotion of sustainability is a constant struggle against the forces of short-termism'. People in business are recognising that sustainability issues are all wrapped up with reputation and risk. These are business issues and not purely sustainability issues. There has been a dramatic change in attitude to energy efficiency and carbon management and the importance of sustainable buildings. Raw material prices are escalating. The reliability of supply chains has become a central part of business continuity. People are finally realising that competitive advantage and cost reduction are at the heart of these arguments, as they are with everything else.

Robert Bruce March 2011

Links: You can view the film referred to above and read the various speeches from the Prince's Accounting for Sustainability Project's Forum at and follow the latest progress of the International Integrated Reporting Committee at

The author, as all good journalists should, has to declare an interest here. He has been involved in the Prince's Accounting For Sustainability Project almost from the outset as an early architect of the proposals. He was writer to the original report on Connected Reporting in 2007, subsequently was a member of the Project's Executive Board for several years and is now a member of the Project's communications committee.

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