About resources

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22 Jul, 2013

A quick guide to the information in our Resources.


What information will I find in the resources pages?

The resources section of our site contains a wealth of background information about topics such as:

  • The International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation and International Accounting Standards Board
  • The Financial Reporting Council and Financial Reporting Lab
  • Numerous other global financial reporting organisations
  • Regional and national standard setters
  • UK Company law (narrative reporting, directors' remuneration and distributable profits)
  • UK market rules (including listing rules and disclosure and transparancy rules)
  • Hot topics in UK financial reporting
  • Deloitte resources
  • Historical information

Note that many sections within the resources section will have many sub-pages - these can generally be accessed from the "Quick links" panel on the right-hand side of each page - allowing you to dig deeper into your chosen area of interest.

How can I track the resources that I'm most interested in?

The easiest way to track your areas of interest is to register and personalise your view of the site.  This will allow you to see only those topics you're interested in - your own view of the site.  You can select to follow not only resources pages, but also standards, projects and more.  Find out more about personalisation.

You can also create a tailor-made RSS feed of any tag on the system, and subscribe to this feed using your favourite RSS feed.

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Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.