EFRAG Rate-Regulated Activities Working Group calls for members

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

19 Mar, 2013

EFRAG has put out a call for applicants for its Rate-Regulated Activities Working Group. The Working Group's role is to advise and provide input on rate-regulated activities and its application within Europe to EFRAG TEG and EFRAG Consultative Forum of Standard Setters.

With a primary focus on the IASB's long-term rate-regulated activities project, the Working Group will aid the EFRAG in:

  • Rate-regulated activities issues within Europe and the views of European stakeholders;
  • Understanding the implications for European stakeholders of new proposals issued by the IASB, IFRIC, and others;
  • Ensuring European presence is part of the rate-regulated activities debate;
  • Obtaining expert advice and high-level input on the project;
  • Receiving input on technical assessments concerning issues from IFRS and IFRS Interpretations;
  • Being proactive;
  • Receiving project updates and advising on strategy and execution of the project.

The Working Group is intended to be a maximum of 15 members with a mix of different backgrounds and geographical balance.

The application period ends on 30 April 2013.

For more information, see the EFRAG press release.

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