3rd ANC Symposium on Accounting Research
16 Nov, 2012
On 13 and 14 December 2012, the Autorité des Normes Comptables (ANC), the French standard setter, will host its 3rd Symposium on Accounting Research in Paris. The general theme will be "volatility and long-term".
Among the speakers are European national standard-setters and IASB members. The programme includes:
- Accounting standard-setting: Where are we?
- Workshop on the principle of prudence in accounting
- Roundtable: "How to promote a long term perspective?"
- Roundtable: "Accounting research in France: Let's talk about it"
- Are there national accounting traditions?
- Seen from Europe, can accounting be global?
- Roundtable: "Accounting standards: A compass in an era of volatility?
Full programmes are available on the ANC website: English, French
Participation in the symposium is free, a registration is required (please register through the ANC website). On the second day of the symposium a simultaneous translation into French and English will be provided.