Deloitte comment letter on tentative agenda decision on disclosure of revenues and expenses for reportable segments

Published on: 05 Feb, 2024

We are pleased to respond to the IFRS In­ter­pre­ta­tions Committee’s pub­li­ca­tion in the November 2023 IFRIC Update of the tentative agenda decision not to take onto the Committee’s agenda the request about how an entity applies the requirements in IFRS 8:23 to disclose for each reportable segment specified amounts related to segment profit or loss.

We agree that

  • IFRS 8:23 requires an entity to disclose the specified amounts for each reportable segment when those amounts are included in the measure of segment profit or loss reviewed by the CODM, even if they are not separately reviewed by the CODM
  • an entity assesses whether items of income and expense are material in the context of its financial statements taken as a whole
  • an entity considers both qualitative and quantitative factors, representing the nature or magnitude of information, or both, in assessing whether an item of income and expense is material.

However, we strongly disagree with the tentative conclusion on the scope of items to be disclosed applying IFRS 8:23(f). We also believe that the purpose of the discussion presented under the header “Aggregation of information” should be clarified.

Please click to download our comment letter below.


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