Deloitte comment letter on the IIRC consultation draft of its revised Framework

Published on: 18 Aug, 2020

We have commented on the IIRC’s consultation draft of the revised Framework.

Two points we especially note: The IIRC should especially focus on collaboration with framework and standard-setters to achieve a consolidated and comprehensive system of standards and to achieve connectivity between non-financial and financial reporting standards and the IIRC should support deeper engagement between the IIRC and the Trustees of the IFRS Foundation to create a clearer path towards a single system with connected oversight of standards for all forms of corporate reporting while also advocating for a broadening of the Trustees’ remit.

We also note that the subject of assurance has not been included in the consultation. We believe the IIRC should play an important role in enhancing the ‘assurance readiness’ of the Framework.


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