Robert Bruce interviews — A new general hedge accounting model in IFRS 9 'Financial Instruments' (detailed explanation)

Published on: 19 Nov, 2013

Robert Bruce hosts a series of video podcast interviews on the latest amendment to IFRS 9 Financial Instruments to incorporate the new general hedge accounting model.

In this video podcast, Robert Bruce interviews Kush Patel, Director in the UK IFRS Centre of Excellence. This podcast provides a more detailed explanation of the changes introduced in the new IFRS 9 general hedge accounting model.  Click above to view the video podcast, or click to access the video podcast in a separate window.  An audio podcast of this interview is also available.

In another video podcast in this series, Robert Bruce interviews Andrew Spooner, Lead IFRS Financial Instruments Partner. The podcast provides a brief status update on the IASB’s IFRS 9 Financial Instruments project and a high-level summary of the key changes introduced by the new general hedge accounting model and can be viewed here.

The audio podcasts of both interviews are also available for download from iTunes at the following link.

Webcast Image

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