Robert Bruce interviews — Revised lease accounting proposals (detailed analysis)

Published on: 21 May, 2013

Robert Bruce hosts a series of video podcast interviews on the latest exposure draft on leases issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

In this video podcast, Robert Bruce interviews Linda Riedel, Technical IFRS Director. This video podcast provides a detailed explanation of the proposals in the leases exposure draft.  Click above to view the video podcast, or click to access the video podcast in a separate window.

In another video podcast in this series, Robert Bruce interviews Veronica Poole, Global IFRS Leader — Technical and Mark Beddy, Senior Partner in the UK Real Estate Group provide a general introduction to leases exposure draft and can be viewed here.

Also, Robert Bruce takes a look at the issues in the exposure draft in his IAS Plus article, The Bruce Column — Leasing: Take Two.

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