Navigating financial reporting — Insight into UK listed Channel Island companies

Published on: 27 Nov, 2014

Over the last decade, the Channel Islands London Listed Fund (‘CILLF’) has established itself as “the City of London’s vehicle of choice” for alternative assets.  Over the last 3 years CILLFs have represented over 70% of investment company money raised on the London Markets. 

The global asset management landscape is changing with increasing allocations expected for alternative asset classes as investor appetite changes and the need for income grows.  Further, the UK investment market is likely to see even more change with a surge in active management as the changes to UK pension annuities requirements kick-in.  In our view this presents a very significant opportunity for the Islands and the CILLF.

In order to maximise this opportunity, it is important for CILLF’s to meet the multitude of corporate governance, regulatory and accounting requirements as well as investor and broker expectations.  

In the listed market transparency and good governance are fundamental to investor confidence and ultimately the success of the company. In order to promote transparency, the last year has seen significant changes in corporate governance and accounting requirements for year-end accounts.

For the first time, this year Deloitte have produced a survey which looks at over 100 CILLF annual reports in order to make an assessment of current reporting practice, identify best practice and note areas for improvement.

Through our survey, we have collated a significant level of data on a wide range of annual reports and we would be pleased to assist Boards in the process of critically reviewing their annual report and developing proformas in advance of the reporting season.


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