
Globe (green) Image

Three new jurisdiction pages added

27 Jul 2007

We have added pages for Albania, Botswana, and Jordan describing each jurisdiction's financial reporting framework and explaining the extent to which IFRSs are used.

The information has been extracted from Reports on Standards and Compliance (ROSC) – Accounting and Auditing prepared by the World Bank. You will find links to all of our pages of information by jurisdiction Here.


PCAOB (US Public Company Accounting Oversight Board) (dark gray) Image

SEC approves PCAOB's new internal control audit standard

26 Jul 2007

The US Securities and Exchange Commission has approved Auditing Standard No. 5 An Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting That Is Integrated with An Audit of Financial Statements.

AS 5 was adopted by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board in May 2007. AS 5 replaces the PCAOB's previous internal control auditing standard, Auditing Standard No. 2. With SEC approval in place, audit firms registered with the PCAOB are required to use the new standard for all audits of internal control no later than for fiscal years ending on or after 15 November 2007. The PCAOB has announced that it intends to undertake several initiatives to support the successful implementation of the new standard. Click for:


IVSC (International Valuation Standards Council) (lt green) Image

Views sought on format of International Valuation Standards

26 Jul 2007

The International Valuation Standards Committee (IVSC) has issued for comment the report of a group brought together to undertake a critical review of the structure and format of International Valuation Standards (IVS).

Concurrently the IVSC is engaged in a project to modernise its own organisational structure (see our News Story of 19 April 2007). The report on IVSs, titled Review of the International Valuation Standards (PDF 128k), sets out the review group's views on the format of an 'ideal' set of international valuation standards. The report raises a number of specific questions on which views are sought (see below). The comment deadline is 31 October 2007.

Issues on which IVSC is seeking comment

Question 1
The Group recommends that the IVS be principles-based and interprets this as meaning that the standards should contain the requirements to be complied with together with essential explanatory material to make the requirements understandable by an experienced professional valuer. Do you agree with this recommendation?

Question 2
Valuations are performed in a variety of contexts – from financial reporting, lending purposes, business acquisitions to tax and litigation services. The Group believes that the same concepts, definitions and principles apply to all valuations whatever their purpose although there may be differences in their application and reporting. Do you agree with the Group?

Question 3
The Group believes that the primary role of the IVS is as a body of international standards in their own right to meet the needs of the global market place and to provide a basis for the convergence of national standards to international valuation standards. It therefore recommends that the IVS should not cover areas that are still subject to significant national regulation, for example valuation for taxation purposes.... Do you agree with the Group?

Question 4
The Group acknowledges that different jurisdictions will take different routes to the same destination of a single set of global valuation standards. While this is understandable, the Group recommends that the IVSC should seek to introduce a similar requirement to that of the International Financial Reporting Standards; i.e. that valuation reports should not be said to comply with IVS unless they comply with all the requirements of IVS. Do you agree that the IVSC should introduce such a requirement?

Question 5
Do you agree that the proposed structure for the IVS will provide for clear navigation through the standards to determine the valuation and reporting bases for a particular asset/liability and purpose?

Question 6
A number of specific questions have been raised by the Group on the proposed structure for the IVS on which comment is sought:

  • 6(a) The forthcoming eighth edition of IVS will define 'fair value' in International Valuation Standard 2 Valuation Bases other than Market Value. Do you consider that this is sufficient or should the IVSC develop a Standard on Fair Value as a separate basis of valuation?
  • 6(b) The proposed structure for the IVS discusses the application of GAVP and the basis of valuation to specific asset and liability types before considering their application to the specific purposes of valuation. Some members of the Group believed that this order should be reversed. What are your views?
  • 6(c) A number of topics have been proposed to be covered by additional more detailed guidance notes. Do you agree with the list? Are there other issues that should be considered?
Questions 7 and 8 [These relate to the format of IVSs and recommendations for clarity of the standards.]



IFRIC (International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee) (blue) Image

Summary of issues not added to IFRIC agenda is updated

26 Jul 2007

We have updated our Summary of Issues Not Added to IFRIC's Agenda to reflect the IFRIC's final decisions at its July 2007 meeting not to add the following four topics to its agenda.

SEC (old) Image

SEC seeks views on use of IFRSs by US listed companies

26 Jul 2007

Yesterday, the US Securities and Exchange Commission voted unanimously to publish a Concept Release for public comment on whether to allow US issuers, including investment companies, to prepare their financial statements using International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as published in English by the International Accounting Standards Board.

Under the SEC's current rules, US issuers are required to follow US GAAP). The Concept Release is an information-seeking document that describes the policy issues and, in the form of questions, seeks public input regarding the possibility of allowing US issuers to report under IFRSs. The comment period will be for 90 days after the Concept Release is published in the Federal Register. The Concept Release has not yet been posted on the SEC's website. In introducing the proposal to the Commission, SEC Chairman Christopher Cox said:

This morning, we are considering publishing a staff Concept Release that solicits public comment on the future role of IFRSs in US markets and asks whether US issuers should be permitted to use IFRSs for purposes of complying with our rules and regulations. In some respects, this is the mirror image of allowing foreign private issuers to file IFRS financial statements without reconciling their financial statements to US GAAP, in that it would give US issuers the same choice that foreign private issuers would have. Such a concept would also touch potentially every aspect of the US capital markets – from how US accountants are educated and trained, to how US issuers prepare their financial statements, to how US investors understand financial statements, and to how accounting standards are developed and interpreted to apply to US companies.

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iasbsm.gif Image

Deloitte Practice Fellows at the IASB

26 Jul 2007

Michelle Fisher, a Manager in the Hong Kong Technical Department, has joined the staff of the IASB as a Practice Fellow for an 18-month term starting 1 July 2007. In this role, she will be assisting Paul Pacter with the Small and Medium-sized Entities Project.

She will be involved in organising and monitoring the field testing of the exposure draft, dealing with comment letters, and ultimately the drafting of the final standard. Another Manager from the Hong Kong Technical Department, Candy Fong, is in her second year as a Practice Fellow at the IASB. Candy has been working on IFRIC agenda projects and also on the Board's financial instruments project. Her term at the IASB ends later this year.
SEC (old) Image

SEC will consider IFRS proposal for US domestic companies

25 Jul 2007

At its meeting today (25 July 2007) the US Securities and Exchange Commission will consider whether to publish a proposed Concept Release on Allowing US Issuers to Prepare Financial Statements in Accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as published in English by the International Accounting Standards Board for purposes of complying with the Commission's rules and regulations.


European Union (old) Image

New CEBS guidelines on financial reporting

25 Jul 2007

The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) has published final amendments to its Guidelines for the Implementation of the Framework for Consolidated Financial Reporting (FINREP).

The guidelines had been released for public consultation on 20 April 2007 (see our News Story of 22 April 2007). The Guidelines are intended to be used by banking groups when preparing their financial reports based on IASs/IFRSs as required by the Supervisory Authorities within the European Union. The Guidelines were originally approved in December 2005 and revised in December 2006. In announcing the revised Guidelines, CEBS noted:

CEBS would like to reaffirm again the linkages between the Guidelines and the disclosure requirements established in the International Financial Reporting Standards. This principle is a basic underpinning for CEBS to set up a framework that reduces the reporting burden on supervised institutions but nevertheless allows supervisors to fulfill their prudential responsibilities. In this context, CEBS will monitor future developments in the standards to check whether they have an impact on the current version of the Guidelines.

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IASC Foundation (blue) Image

Four IASCF Trustees reappointed

25 Jul 2007

The Trustees of the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) Foundation, under which the IASB operates, have reappointed four Trustees for a second three-year term ending 31 December 2010. The Trustees are:

  • Oscar Fanjul, Vice Chairman, Omega Capital, and former Chairman Founder and CEO, Repsol, SA, Spain
  • Tsuguoki (Aki) Fujinuma, Former Chairman and President, Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (JICPA), Japan
  • Alicja Kornasiewicz, Member of the Board of CA IB Corporate Finance Gmbh, Vienna, and CEO and Chairman of CA IB Group in Poland, Poland
  • Antonio Vegezzi, Retired Vice-Chairman, Capital International, Switzerland
The Trustees also announced an international public search to replace four Trustees who are not eligible for reappointment or are retiring as Trustees. Malcolm Knight of the Bank for International Settlements and Roberto Teixeira da Costa of Brazil have served the maximum of two terms. Richard Humphry of Australia is not seeking a second term, and William McDonough of the United States will be stepping down as a Trustee because of other commitments. Additionally, the Trustees are in the process of completing their search for a new Chairman of the Trustees. The IASC Foundation Trustees will advertise for candidates to fill the vacancies and are inviting individuals and organisations to submit applications to the Trustees' Nominating Committee by mid-September. Click for:


Paraguay Image

Update on financial reporting in Paraguay

25 Jul 2007

We have added a Country Page for Paraguay describing the statutory framework for accounting and auditing in Paraguay and the current status of accounting and auditing standards and their implementation.

Our summary is based on information contained in the World Bank's Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC) – Accounting and Auditing for Paraguay as of 1 June 2006.
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