IAS 39 — Gaming transactions

Date recorded:


The IFRIC considered a submission relating to the accounting for wagers received by a gaming institution.


Decision not to add

July 2007



The IFRIC noted the definitions of financial assets and financial liabilities in IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation, and the application guidance in paragraph AG8 of IAS 32. It noted that when a gaming institution takes a position against a customer, the resulting unsettled wager is a financial instrument that is likely to meet the definition of a derivative financial instrument and should be accounted for under IAS 39.

In other situations, a gaming institution does not take positions against customers but instead provides services to manage the organisation of games between two or more gaming parties. The gaming institution earns a commission for such services regardless of the outcome of the wager. The IFRIC noted that such a commission was likely to meet the definition of revenue and would be recognised when the conditions in IAS 18 Revenue were met.

The IFRIC did not consider that there was widespread divergence in practice in this area and therefore decided not to take the issue on to its agenda.


IFRIC reference: IAS 39-13

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