Publication library

Global publications

Global publication series
Quick access to our global IFRS-related publications covering a broad range of topics - including popular publications such as our illustrative financial statements, iGAAP in focus (formerly IFRS in Focus), IFRS in your pocket and Deloitte comment letters.

Member firm publications

Member firm publications
A high-level roadmap to publications produced by Deloitte member firms, allowing you to pinpoint resources and analysis tailored for various jurisdictions.


Non-English publications
Easy access to publications in various languages, including translations of our global publications, and additional member firm publications, in languages other than English.


Deloitte IFRS e-learning
A leading educational and training resource on IFRS since it was initially released in 2004, with over 5.6 million modules downloaded to date.

In addition to the above links, you can quickly find publications of interest using the directory appearing in the left-hand column of all publications we host.

Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.