Spanish (Español)

Spanish (Español) Below you will find a collection of all of our Spanish language publications, including translations of our global publications, and additional member firm publications in Spanish.


Related Publications

Boletín Heads Up — Preguntas frecuentes acerca de reestructuraciones de deudas en problemas según la Ley CARES y la declaración inter-agencias

20 May 2020

Spanish translation of Heads Up, 'Frequently Asked Questions About Troubled Debt Restructurings Under the CARES Act and Interagency Statement'.

Boletín Heads Up — Desarrollos relacionados con el uso de XBRL en la presentación digital de reportes financieros

20 May 2020

Spanish translation for Heads Up, 'Developments Related to the Use of XBRL in Digital Financial Reporting'.

Boletín Heads Up — FASB emite P&R del personal sobre los efectos que la pandemia del COVID-19 tiene en la contabilidad de cobertura de los flujos de efectivo

20 May 2020

Spanish translation of Heads Up, 'FASB Issues Staff Q&A on the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cash Flow Hedge Accounting'.

Boletín Heads Up — Destacados de la Ley CARES

13 May 2020

Spanish translation of Heads Up, 'Highlights of the CARES Act'.

Audit Committee Brief — Abril 2020

11 May 2020

Spanish translation of 'Audit Committee Brief — April 2020'.

Boletín Heads Up — FASB decide diferir ciertas fechas efectivas y proporciona orientación sobre el COVID-19

11 May 2020

Spanish translation of Heads Up, 'FASB Decides to Defer Certain Effective Dates and Provides Guidance on COVID-19'.

Boletín Heads Up — El Congreso muestra que le IMPORTAN las reglas de contabilidad de bancos y cooperativas de crédito

27 Apr 2020

Spanish translation of Heads Up, 'Congress Shows That It CARES About Accounting Rules for Banks and Credit Unions'.

Deloitte Insights — El corazón del liderazgo con capacidad de recuperación. Respondiendo a COVID-19

27 Apr 2020

Spanish translation of Deloitte Insights, 'The heart of resilient leadership. Responding to COVID-19'.

Alerta para directores 2020. Re-imaginando el gobierno y la vigilancia en medio de la disrupción digital

17 Apr 2020

Spanish translation of 2020 Director's Alert, 'Reimagining governance and oversight amid digital disruption'.

Boletín Heads Up — La SEC amplía las calificaciones para la condición de entidad registrada no-acelerada

13 Apr 2020

Spanish translation of 'Heads Up — SEC expands qualifications for nonaccelerated filer status'.

Audit Committee Brief — Marzo 2020

06 Apr 2020

Spanish translation of 'Audit Committee Brief — March 2020'.

Deloitte Insights — Nuevos modelos de pago en medtech

06 Apr 2020

Spanish translation of the Deloitte publication 'Deloitte Insights — New payment models in medtech'.

Boletín Heads Up — FASB aborda la reforma de la tasa de referencia

06 Apr 2020

Spanish translation of 'Heads Up, FASB addresses reference rate reform'.

IFRS in Focus — IASB publica documento para discusión sobre Combinaciones de negocios – revelaciones, plusvalía y deterioro

06 Apr 2020

Spanish translation of 'IFRS in Focus — IASB publishes Discussion Paper on Business Combinations — Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment'.

Deloitte Insights — Formando un lazo con su nuevo compañero. El rol que el aprendizaje de máquina tiene en el análisis cuantitativo de datos

01 Apr 2020

Spanish translation of the Deloitte publication 'Deloitte Insights — Looping in your new sidekick: The role of machine learning in qualitative data analysis'.

El comité de auditoría estratégico: una vista previa de 2020. En la agenda de la junta

01 Apr 2020

Spanish translation of Deloitte's 'On the board’s agenda — The strategic audit committee: a 2020 preview'.

Boletín Heads Up — La SEC emite regla final para simplificar requerimientos de revelación relacionados con garantes y colateralizaciones de valores

01 Apr 2020

Spanish translation of 'Heads Up — SEC issues final rule to simplify disclosure requirements related to guarantors and collateralizations of securities'.

IFRS in Focus — Consideraciones de contabilidad relacionadas con la enfermedad por coronavirus 2019

01 Apr 2020

Spanish translation of 'IFRS in Focus — Accounting considerations related to the Coronavirus 2019 Disease'.

Consideraciones contables del COVID-19

01 Apr 2020

This Spanish language publication from Deloitte Spain provides an executive summary of the main accounting implications that COVID-19 could have for companies.

Deloitte Insights — Avanzando en la inversión ambiental, social, y de gobierno

24 Mar 2020

Spanish translation of Deloitte Insights, 'Advancing environmental, social, and governance investing'.

Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.