Amendments to IFRS 17 – International Accounting Standards Board

Date recorded:

At its meeting on January 23, 2019, the International Accounting Standards Board (the Board) discussed and tentatively decided to amend IFRS 17 in respect of the following: (i) insurance acquisition cash flows; (ii) reinsurance contracts held; and (iii) recognition of the contractual service margin in profit or loss. At future meetings the Board will consider the topics from Agenda Paper 2D Concerns and implementation challenges for the October 2018 Board meeting that have not yet been discussed. After the Board has considered each topic individually, the Board plans to consider the package of amendments at a future meeting. At that meeting the Board will consider whether: any amendments to the disclosure requirements are required as a result of the amendments tentatively decided by the Board; on the whole, the benefits of the amendments outweigh the costs; and on the whole, the amendments do not unduly disrupt implementation.

Review the IASB Update and podcast on the Board's Web site.

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