IASB concludes its research project on principles of disclosure

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Mar 21, 2019

On March 21, 2019, the International Accounting Standards Board (the Board) published "Disclosure Initiative — Principles of Disclosure project summary" which summarizes the work performed and conclusions reached in the principles of disclosure research project.

In March 2017, the Board issued a discussion paper (DP) on possible approaches to address disclosure issues, such as the lack of relevant information, too much irrelevant information, and ineffective communication of the information provided. Feedback for the DP revealed that “improving the way disclosure requirements are developed and drafted in IFRS® Standards is the most effective way it can help to address the disclosure problem.” This lead the Board to prioritize its project on targeted Standards-level review of disclosure. The Board also addressed other findings during its research related to accounting policy disclosures, the implications of technology on financial reporting, and use of performance measures in financial statements. Other topics in the DP will not be pursued and this project summary closes the research project.

Review the press release and project summary on the Board’s website.

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