IIRC publishes results of integrated reporting implementation survey

  • IIRC (International Integrated Reporting Committee) Image

Oct 13, 2017

In October 2017, the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) released the results of a survey, that it had conducted earlier this year, on how companies are adopting integrated reporting since the International <IR> Framework was released in 2013.

The feedback received indicated that the Framework stands up well to the challenges of implementation. However, several opportunities to provide guidance and examples and take other actions to help report preparers and other stakeholders, who continue to tackle challenges, were also identified. In fact, the report identifies 48 actions the IIRC currently proposes taking, based on the preliminary analysis of the feedback. Some of these actions would also include updates to the framework itself. However, the report also acknowledges the need for a stable platform:

There is clearly a choice to be made between giving sufficient time for companies to implement the Framework without changes being made, and updating the Framework in the light of experience and external developments. We have carefully considered the small number of suggestions made in this exercise for Framework revisions, and concluded that none are of immediate concern to justify making those changes now.

Review the report from the IIRC's website.

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