ASBJ publishes a quantitative study on goodwill and impairment

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Oct 03, 2016

On October 3, 2016, the Accounting Standards Board of Japan (ASBJ) published the Research Paper, "Quantitative Study on Goodwill and Impairment" with a view to contribute to the global discussion regarding the accounting for goodwill and goodwill impairment following the post-implementation review of IFRS 3. The ASBJ research report is a companion piece to the EFRAG report published on September 29, but is not identical.

The main findings presented in the ASBJ report are:

  • For all stock market indices analysed (Japan, United States, Australia, Europe), the total amount of goodwill and the amount of goodwill per company increased from 2005 to 2014.
  • The stock market indices of the United States and Europe recognized larger amounts, both in the total amount of goodwill and the amount of goodwill per company, compared to the stock market indices of Japan and Australia.
  • The stock market indices of the United States and Europe have consistently shown higher ratios of goodwill to net assets and of goodwill to market capitalization.
  • In 2014, 32% of the companies recognizing goodwill in the United States and 25% of the companies recognizing goodwill in Europe had goodwill that exceeded 50% of their net assets. Furthermore, 14% of those companies in the Unites States and 11% of those companies in Europe had goodwill that exceeded 100% of their net assets. A few companies in the United States, Europe and Australia had goodwill that exceeded 100% of their market capitalization.
  • In the United States and Europe, the market capitalization exceeded by a large portion the carrying amount of equity in the statement of financial position.
  • Explicit time lags were not observed by analyzing the correlation between impairment and the price or points of the stock market index.
  • Fully expensing goodwill judged by the data collected takes on average 82 years in the United States, 37 years in Europe, 9 years in Japan, and 34 years in Australia.

Please click to access the study and a corresponding press release on the ASBJ's website. The EFRAG's research report can be accessed here.

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