The Fierce Urgency of Now: The Canadian Financial Sector in a Post-Pandemic World, a Prudential Perspective

Sep 29, 2021

On September 29, 2021, in his first public speech as Superintendent, Peter Routledge delivered a keynote address at the GRI Summit 2021 to a virtual crowd. The Superintendent discussed climate change, digitalization and the complicated risk environment for OSFI, institutions and Canadians. He signaled how OSFI plans to transform itself to meet these rapidly changing risks.

Climate change and digitalization represent the known unknowns in OSFI’s risk environment. So how will OSFI respond to the opportunities and changes presented by this risk environment?

There are two basic ways an institution leader can answer this question:

  1. OSFI will adapt incrementally to the challenges and opportunities in their risk environment, or
  2. their risk environment demands that they transform their approach and organization to meet the extraordinary opportunities and challenges before them

Review the speech on the OSFI's website.

Updated TSX guidelines for security based compensation disclosure

Jan 29, 2021

On January 29, 2021, the TSX released an updated version of "Guide to Security-Based Compensation Arrangements" (Guide). This third edition of the Guide, which was originally published in 2007, is intended to help listed issuers gain a better understanding of the issues relating to security-based compensation arrangements and assist issuers in preparing meaningful disclosure that complies with TSX requirements.

What's New in This Edition

This edition includes updates to reflect rule changes which came into effect in 2017 (principally regarding annual disclosure requirements, including burn rate), expand guidance on the treatment of full value awards and provide FAQs addressing questions commonly received by TSX listings managers.

Key Highlights

  1. Disclosure requirements – annually and upon adoption or amendment of a plan
  2. Examples of acceptable disclosure and reporting
  3. FAQ's

Review the press release and guide on the TSX's website and a summary on Miller Thomson LLP's website.

Value Accounting Network founded

Jul 15, 2021

A group of nine initiatives has founded the Value Accounting Network. They share the ambition that the value provided by and experienced by people and nature must be included in all decision-making.

The network defines value accounting as: "The col­lec­tion, cal­i­bra­tion, and use of in­for­ma­tion about the relative value that an or­ga­ni­za­tion creates, preserves, or erodes for its stake­hold­ers, using common units. This in­for­ma­tion is used when making decisions for a variety of purposes."

The group has published agreed state­ments of com­mon­al­ity:

  1. We firmly believe it is vital for busi­nesses, finance, and gov­ern­ments to base decisions on value accounting.
  2. We aim to modernize accounting to transform gov­er­nance practices, decision making, and reporting.
  3. We believe that we need generally accepted prin­ci­ples to account for value.
  4. We believe that in­te­grated thinking, and a holistic sys­tems-based approach is essential.
  5. We embrace and support the concept of ‘capital’ re­flect­ing stocks that can change over time and that underpin in­creas­ing or de­creas­ing flows of benefits to people, com­mu­ni­ties, the en­vi­ron­ment, and the economy.
  6. We recognize the im­por­tance of accounting for holistic value creation, the value of impacts and de­pen­den­cies on different capitals.
  7. We recognize that the value to society (in­side-out) and value to the entity (out­side-in) are both essential to assess and report value.
  8. We believe that the trade-offs between capitals and between stake­hold­ers must be specified and addressed in decision making.
  9. We recognize the im­por­tance of existing efforts, and we are building on the standards, frame­works and de­f­i­n­i­tions that have already been agreed.

The Value Balancing Alliance, one of the founding members of the Value Accounting Network, makes the following in­for­ma­tion available on its website:

Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.