Work in progress

Date recorded:

Work in progress (Agenda Paper 5)

The Committee will discuss the staff's analysis of comments on the tentative agenda decision 'Application of the Highly Probable Requirement in a Cash Flow Hedge Relationship (IFRS 9 Financial Instruments)’ and ‘Liabilities in Relation to a Joint Operator’s Interest in a Joint Operation (IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements)’ at a future meeting.

At the June 2018 meeting, the Committee decided to research possible narrow-scope standard-setting on the exchange rate of a reporting entity when it translates the results and financial position of a foreign operation into its presentation currency and the spot exchange rate is not observable. The Committee will discuss this matter at a future meeting.

The staff have also received requests in relation to (i) IFRS 16 Leases or IAS 38 Intangible Assets about subsurface rights; and (ii) IAS 19 Employee Benefits about defined contribution vs. defined benefit plan. The staff are in the process of analysing these matters.


The staff have highlighted that a tentative agenda decision regarding holding of cryptocurrencies will be circulated in the next meeting. There was no discussion on this agenda point.

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