IFRS Interpretations Committee meeting — 17 September 2019

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Location: London

IFRS IC meeting (blue)


The IFRS Interpretations Committee met on Tuesday 17 September 2019 to discuss nine issues, including three new interpretation requests.


New Issues

The Committee discussed three new issues.

IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers—Training costs to fulfil a contract (Agenda Paper 2). Should training costs that are incurred by a supplier, that are necessary to be able to deliver a service to a customer and that are recoverable from the customer, be recognised as a contract asset?

IFRS 16 Leases—Definition of a lease—Shipping contract (Agenda Paper 3). Does a particular type of shipping contract contain a lease? 

IAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates and IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies—Translation of a hyperinflationary foreign operation (Agenda Paper 4) How does an entity, with a non-hyperinflationary presentation currency, present the information required by IAS 21 and IAS 29 for its interest in a foreign operation which is hyperinflationary?

The Committee decided not develop any Interpretations or amendments but instead publish tentative agenda decisions. 

Agenda decisions to finalise

The Committee finalised six tentative agenda decisions.

IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers—Compensation for delays or cancellations (Agenda Paper 5). Should an obligation to compensate customers for delayed or cancelled flights (as set out in legislation) be recognised as part of the transaction price or as an obligation in accordance with IAS 37?

IAS 41 Agriculture—Subsequent expenditure (Agenda Paper 6). Should an entity capitalise or expense the costs related to the biological transformation of biological assets?

IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows—Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities (Agenda Paper 7). Some investors have expressed concerns about the quality and consistency of disclosures about changes in liabilities arising from financing activities required by IAS 7.

IFRS 16 Leases—Incremental borrowing rate (Agenda Paper 8). Does the incremental borrowing rate need to reflect the interest rate in a loan with both a similar maturity to the lease and a similar payment profile to the lease payments?

IFRS 9 Financial Instruments—Fair value hedge of foreign currency risk on non-financial assets (Agenda Paper 9). Can foreign currency risk be a separately identifiable and reliably measurable risk component of a non-financial asset held for consumption (for example, property, plant and equipment and inventory denominated in a foreign currency) that an entity can designate as the hedged item in a fair value hedge accounting relationship?

IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements—Presentation of liabilities or assets related to an uncertain tax position (Agenda Paper 10). Should an entity present a liability related to uncertain tax treatments as a current (or deferred) tax liability or as a provision?

Work in progress (Agenda Paper 11)

There are no new matters that have not yet been presented to the Committee. The staff will present the analysis of comments of the tentative agenda decision 'Lease Term and Useful Life of Leasehold Improvements (IFRS 16 Leases and IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment)' at a future meeting.


    Agenda for the meeting

    TUESDAY, 17 September 2019

    Morning session (9:30-12:45)

    • Administrative matters
    • New matters:
      • IFRS 15 — Training costs to fulfil a contract
      • IFRS 16 — Definition of a lease - Shipping contract
      • IAS 21/IAS 29 — Translation of a hyperinflationary foreign operation

    Afternoon session (13:45-16:20)

    • Agenda decisions to finalise:
      • IFRS 15 — Compensation for delays or cancellations
      • IAS 41 — Subsequent expenditure
      • IAS 7 — Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities
      • IFRS 16 — Incremental borrowing rate
      • IFRS 9 — Fair value hedge of foreign currency risk on non-financial assets
      • IAS 1 — Presentation of liabilities or assets related to uncertain tax treatments
    • Administration session

    Agenda papers for this meeting are available on the IASB's website.

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