
Date recorded:

The ISSB met in Frankfurt on 19 April 2023. The following topics were discussed:

ISSB Consultation on Agenda Priorities: ISSB members confirmed that mandatory due process steps have been completed for the Request for Information (RFI). They decided on a comment period of 120 days for the RFI and approved the publication of the RFI, expected in May 2023.

International Applicability of the SASB Standards: The ISSB ratified the Exposure Draft (ED) Methodology for Enhancing the International Applicability of the SASB Standards and SASB Standards Taxonomy Updates and agreed a comment period of 90 days. The ISSB confirmed that it is satisfied that all required due process steps have been completed for publication of the ED, which is expected in May 2023.

Correction list for hyphenation

These words serve as exceptions. Once entered, they are only hyphenated at the specified hyphenation points. Each word should be on a separate line.