Publications by national Deloitte member firms

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17 Dec, 2010

New publications by Deloitte (Denmark) and Deloitte (Colombia).

Deloitte Denmark has developed a publication (PDF 200k) about the IASB's Exposure Draft (ED) Insurance Contracts. The 24-page publication (which is in the Danish language) provides an overview of the ED and examines the expected impact on Danish life and non-life insurance companies, including focus on the new part of the statement of comprehensive income for insurance contracts.

Deloitte Colombia has translated the IFRS Presentation and Disclosure Checklists for 2010 into the Spanish language. The IFRS Presentation and Disclosure Checklist for 2010 is formatted to allow the recording of a review of financial statements, with a place to indicate yes/no/not-applicable for each presentation and disclosure item. Click for:

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