IASB invites international comments on FASB FI proposals

  • IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) (blue) Image

28 May, 2010

The IASB has Invited its International Constituents to submit comments to the FASB on the FASB's Financial Instruments Proposals.

The IASB is asking their constituents to submit comment letters on the FASB proposal. Feedback will be helpful to the FASB when it re-deliberates its proposals and finalises any requirements. The IASB will use that feedback when it considers how to reconcile any differences between IFRS requirements and US GAAP. Because this project is part of the global convergence project, it is important for the FASB to receive feedback on the proposed model from the international community.
Comment letters should be submitted directly to the FASB by 30 September 2010.
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