IASB Live webcast on completion of Phase A of Conceptual Framework

  • IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) (blue) Image
  • Webcast (mid blue) Image

28 Sep, 2010

On Wednesday 29 September IASB staff will present a live webcast introducing the first phase of Conceptual Framework.

This will follow the publication of the first phase of the Conceptual Framework later today. The webcast will be followed by a question and answer session. There's no charge to attend the web presentation, but you need to register to participate. You can do this now or any time before the presentation. If you register now, the provider will automatically remind you of the presentation nearer the time. You can listen to the webcast over the internet or by telephone. For the convenience of participants in different time zones the IASB has scheduled two slots for the webcast:
  • Topic: Conceptual Framework – Phase A: Objectives and Qualitative Characteristics
  • Date and time: Wednesday, 29 September 2010, 10:00am / 4:00pm (UK time)
  • More information on the webcast and registration:
  • More information on IAS Plus: For our agenda project page click here.
Additionally, the IASB has uploaded a podcast on the issue. Financial journalist Robert Bruce interviews IASB Member Philippe Danjou and IASB Technical Manager Li Li Lian on the latest developments regarding the first phase of the conceptual framework. You can access the podcast here (link to IASB website).

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