GRI publishes sustainability reporting guidelines in Arabic, launches Focal Point USA

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24 Jan, 2011

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has announced the launch of the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines in Arabic.

The new Arabic Guidelines are a result of collaboration between GRI and The Egyptian Corporate Responsibility Center (ECRC).

The GRI Sustainability Reporting Framework is designed to enable large and small companies, non-profit organisations and government bodies worldwide to assess their sustainability performance and disclose the results. The Arabic Guidelines will enable organisations in the Middle East to be more transparent about their sustainability performance, supporting GRI's goal to "mainstream" sustainability reporting worldwide.

Also, GRI's Focal Point USA will be officially launched at the New York Stock Exchange on Monday 31 January 2011. The Focal Point USA began operations in October 2010 and aims to address the needs of the unique marketplace in the USA and to boost the quality and quantity of sustainability reports coming from US organizations. The rapidly upward trend in sustainability reporting globally, and particularly in Europe, has not been mirrored in the USA yet.

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