IAESB seeks comments on draft strategic plan

  • IFAC (International Federation of Accountants) (lt gray) Image

02 May, 2006

The International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) is seeking comments on an exposure draft of its Strategic and Operational Plan for the Period 2007-2009 (PDF 98k).

The IAESB proposes to undertake three high priority activities, beginning in 2007. These are:
  • Conducting a fundamental review of the Framework for International Education Statements (IESs), considering developments in accounting education and the accountancy profession as a whole since this was first written;
  • Developing a benchmarking methodology to help IFAC members and others achieve the measurable implementation of IESs; and
  • Reviewing existing IESs to determine areas where the clarity of standards could be improved and/or additional guidance most usefully developed.
Comments on the exposure draft are requested by 28 February 2007. Click for Press Release (PDF 82k).

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