Summary of EFRAG joint outreach events on the post-implementation review of IFRS 8 across Europe

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group) (dk green) Image

18 Dec, 2012

EFRAG outreach events on the post-implementation review of IFRS 8 were offered in several European cities throughout autumn 2012.

The objective of these joint outreach events—which were held together with various national standard setters and user organisations—was to gather evidence from European constituents on their experiences preparing and/or using information under IFRS 8 Operating Segments as a contribution to EFRAG’s response to the IASB Request for Information. Click for the feedback statements on each event (all links to the EFRAG website):

A consolidated feedback statement for all sessions on IFRS 8 has also be published on the EFRAG website. The consolidated feedback statement also includes feedback from a meeting of the EUMEDION Audit Committee in Amsterdam and a meeting of the EFFAS Financial Accounting Commission in Brussels.

For more information on this series of European outreach events, please see the Autumn 2012 Outreach Events page on the EFRAG website.

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