IASB announces public roundtable meetings on its agenda consultation

  • IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) (blue) Image

13 Feb, 2012

The IASB plans to hold a series of public roundtable meetings for its Request for Views Agenda Consultation 2011.

The date and location of upcoming roundtable meetings are as follows (location time shown):

  • Norwalk, CT, USA — 13 March 2012 13:00-15:30
  • Toronto, ON, Canada — 14 March 2012 10:00-12:30
  • London, UK — 23 March 2012 (time to be announced)

Those who wish to participate in the USA or Canada roundtable meetings must register by 5 March 2012; for the UK meeting, registration deadline is 12 March 2012. Click for IASB announcement (link to IASB website).

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