FRC calls for improvements in the reporting of exceptional items

  • FRC Image

13 Dec, 2013

The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has today issued a statement reminding Boards of what they should consider when they present exceptional or similar items and “encourages them to improve reporting in this area”.

The Financial Reporting Review Panel (FRRP) of the FRC has identified that many companies report exceptional items on the face of the income statement and provide a subtotal of profit before these (“underlying profit”).  However, the FRC has identified that many companies do not present exceptional items consistently.  The quality of reported exceptional items was identified by the Conduct Committee as an “area of concern” in their Corporate Reporting Review Annual Report 2013

To encourage improved reporting of exceptional items and to encourage greater consistency the FRRP believe that companies should consider the following in “judging what to include in additional items and underlying profit”:

The approach taken in identifying additional items that qualify for separate presentation should be even handed between gains and losses, clearly disclosed and applied consistently from one year to the next.  It should also be clearly distinguished from alternative performance measures used by the company that are not intended to be consistent with IFRS principles. 

Gains and losses should not be netted off in arriving at the amount disclosed unless otherwise permitted. 

Where the same category of material items recurs each year and in similar amounts (for example, restructuring costs), companies should consider whether such amounts should be included as part of underlying profit. 

Where significant items of expense are unlikely to be finalised for a number of years or may subsequently be reversed, the income statement effect of such changes should be similarly identified as additional items in subsequent periods and readers should be able to track movements in respect of these items between periods.  

The tax effect of additional items should be explained. 

Material cash amounts related to additional items should be presented clearly in the cash flow statement. 

Where underlying profit is used in determining executive remuneration or in the definition of loan covenants, companies should take care to disclose clearly the measures used. 

Management commentary on results should be clear on which measures of profit are being commented on and should discuss all significant items which make up the profit determined according to IFRS.

The press release can be obtained from the FRC website here.

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