Latest edition of EFRAG Insider
15 Apr, 2014
The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has published a new edition of the publicly available newsletter 'EFRAG Insider'.
In addition to discussing IASB Exposure drafts, recent EFRAG publications and stakeholder liaison, the new issue highlights two topical issues:
- EFRAG reform - in the beginning of April, the EFRAG Supervisory Board approved the proposed amendments to the EFRAG Statutes and the EFRAG Internal Rules for submission to EFRAG's current Member Organisations and EFRAG's additional future members; it is intended that in the first half of June the EFRAG General Assembly will be called to approve the amendments.
- Separate financial statements - EFRAG, OIC, ICAC and DASB are conducting a joint project aimed at addressing a number of potential problems that have been revealed by the IAS Regulation option enabling Member States to permit or require non-listed companies to prepare their annual accounts in conformity with IFRS; the publication of a discussion paper is expected in the third quarter of 2014.
The April 2014 edition of EFRAG Insider is available on the EFRAG website.