We comment on the IASB discussion paper on rate regulation

  • Deloitte comment letter on IASB DP/2014/2 'Reporting the Financial Effects of Rate Regulation' Image

16 Jan, 2015

We have published our comment letter on the International Accounting Standards Board's (IASB) Discussion Paper DP/2014/2 'Reporting the Financial Effects of Rate Regulation'.

Our comment letter offers an anylsis of the main points of the discussion paper and we agree that that the hybrid scheme described as 'defined rate regulation' captures many of the features of regulatory regimes encountered in practice. We also agree that a focus on the rights and obligations arising from rate regulation is necessary to determine whether these give rise to assets and/or liabilities that meet the criteria for recognition per the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting. We recommend that the next step in the project be an accounting discussion paper preceding the development of any new Standard or amendment to existing standards.

Please click for a summary of our main points and access to the full comment letter

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