Government Equalities Office issues consultation on Closing the Gender Pay Gap

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16 Jul, 2015

The UK Government has this week launched a consultation on how to address the discrepancy between the average earnings of men and women employed by the largest UK employers (referred to as the 'Gender Pay Gap').

The consultation asks for views on equal pay reporting regulations and ideas on wider actions that could be taken to reduce the Gender Pay Gap. The government is proposing that private and voluntary sector employers in Great Britain with at least 250 employees would be required to publish information about the pay of their male and female employees. As part of the consultation, it is requesting views on:

  • what form this information should take;
  • how often it should be published; and
  • where the information should be published - for example, a prominent place on the employer's public website.

The consultation document can be found on the UK Government website.  Deloitte's Governance in brief is available here.

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