DBT proposes to simplify reporting for medium-sized companies

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18 May, 2024

The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) has issued a consultation which proposes simpler reporting for medium-sized companies in the UK.

In March 2024, the DBT published a summary of responses to its non-financial reporting review call for evidence, and also an impact assessment which set out the first stage of planned measures to reform the UK non-financial reporting framework.  At that time, the government also committed to consulting later in the year on further proposals to reduce the reporting burden on medium-sized companies.

This consultation marks the next phase of the government’s non-financial reporting review and concentrates on medium-sized companies.  This is a limited consultation with two proposals to:

  • exempt medium-sized companies from producing a Strategic Report; and
  • uplift the medium-sized companies employee threshold from 250 up to 500 employees.

Comments on the consultation are requested by 27 June 2024.

The full consultation is available on the government website.

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