IIRC releases draft competence matrix for Integrated Reporting
03 Aug, 2015
The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has released a draft matrix of competencies that it sees as essential for anyone working within an Integrated Reporting (“<IR>”) environment. Comments on the draft are requested by 16 September 2015.
The IIRC indicates that the competence matrix is “intended to provide clear guidance in the market as to the skills and experience necessary to be an effective practitioner in <IR>”.
The draft matrix sets out two competence levels – introductory and practitioner. The introductory level “reflects the competence requirements for individuals who need to understand the benefits which Integrated Reporting can bring to an organisation, but who are not directly involved in the preparation of the integrated report". The practitioner level “builds directly on the introductory level and reflects the competence requirements for individuals who are directly involved in Integrated Reporting within an organisation, including preparation of the integrated report”.
Four competence areas are included within the draft matrix:
- integrated reporting – the vision for better corporate reporting;
- integrated thinking – creating value over time;
- preparing the integrated report – communicating value creation; and
- implementing integrated reporting – from financial management to value management.
Each competence area is then broken down further into subject areas and related learning outcomes.
The draft matrix of competencies is available on the IIRC website.