IFRS Advisory Council membership update

  • IFRS Advisory Council (mid blue) Image

30 Oct, 2015

The Trustees of the IFRS Foundation have announced 16 appointments and re-appointments to the IFRS Advisory Council.

The Advisory Council is the formal advisory body to the Trustees and the IASB. It advises the IFRS Foundation on its strategic direction, technical work plan and priorities.

The new Advisory Council members are:

    1. William Coen - Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
    2. Aziz Dieye - La Fédération Internationale Des Experts-Comptables Francophones (FIDEF)
    3. Isabelle Ferrand - International Co-operative Alliance (ICA)
    4. Yibin Gao - Ministry of Finance, People’s Republic of China
    5. Andrew Marshall - KPMG
    6. Colin McDonald - The Investment Association
    7. Melanie McLaren - Group of European National Standard-setters
    8. John Stanford - International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)

With the exception of Isabelle Ferrand, who is representing an organisation newly admitted to the Advisory Council, the new members will replace retiring members Peter Chambers, Egbert Eeftink, Stephenie Fox, Alberto Giussani, Daniel McMahon, René van Wyk, and Min Yang.

The following members of the Advisory Council have been reappointed: Linda Diaz del Barrio, Gavin Francis, Jake Green, Igor Kozyrev, Ghiath Shabsigh, Anne Simpson, Lynda Sullivan, and Stephen Taylor.

Ernesto López Mozo and Maarika Paul are stepping down from the Council.

All appointments take effect 1 January 2016 and are for a three-year period.

The press release announcing the new appointments can be found on the IASB's website.

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