Recent sustainability and integrated reporting developments

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27 Nov, 2015

A summary of recent developments at the IIRC, the ACCA, the CFA Institute, and the Natural Capital Coalition.

The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) announces that it will be launching the <IR> Academic Network on Wednesday, 16 December 2015 via a webinar. The session will include a welcome from the IIRC, an overview of current research on, opportunities for further research, and an introduction to the features of the Academic Network – including how to join. Please click to access the press release on the IIRC website.

The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) has published a report into the challenges to providing independent assurance over an integrated report.

The CFA Institute, a global association of investment professionals, has added Environmental Social & Governance Issues in Investments: A Guide for Investment Professionals to its portfolio of environment, social and governance (ESG) resources. The guide was developed in response to growing interest among investment professionals to better incorporate ESG issues in investment analysis, and serves as a comprehensive introduction to ESG considerations. Please click to access the press release on the CFA Institute's website.

The draft Natural Capital Protocol and Sector Guides have been launched for consultation at the World Forum on Natural Capital. The draft protocol and sector guides have been developed by the Natural Capital Coalition as a standardised framework for business to measure and value its impacts and dependencies on natural capital and to help them integrate this into their decision making. For more information, see the press release on the organisation's website.

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