IIRC publishes the results of its Stakeholder Feedback survey
05 Dec, 2016
The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has published the results of its Stakeholder Feedback survey.
The purpose of the survey was to “obtain views on Integrated Reporting <IR> and on the work of the IIRC, to enable <IR> to continue to develop as a global movement and inform future strategy and plans”. A total of 535 responses were received.
Key findings include:
Global views on Integrated Reporting
- 62% of respondents believe that the IIRC is making ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ progress towards the global adoption of <IR>.
- 78% of respondents agree that the <IR> Framework is a ‘very high quality’ or ‘high quality’ reporting framework for reporting value creation over time.
- 87% of respondents ‘strongly agree’ or ‘agree’ that <IR>promotes a more joined-up and efficient approach to corporate reporting.
- The top three areas which respondents indicated would improve the adoption of <IR> in their market were; stronger endorsement from regulators/policy makers, provision of more examples of integrated reports and further endorsement from leading companies.
Global views on the corporate reporting system
- 59% of respondents consider that the current elements of corporate reporting are only ‘quite joined up’ or ‘not joined up’ at all. Only 28% believed that the current elements are ‘joined up’ or ‘highly joined up’.
- The biggest concerns for stakeholders were a perceived poor linkage of reporting to corporate strategies and governance and insufficient focus on the medium or longer term.
- 61% of respondents felt that the IIRC was being successful in achieving a change in the global corporate reporting landscape.
Responses were also provided on Stakeholder’s views on the work of the IIRC including on its institutional arrangements and composition of the IIRC Board and Council.
The full results of the Stakeholder Feedback survey, including findings at a regional level, are available on the IIRC website.