New IASB website launched

  • IASB webcast Image

10 Jun, 2017

The IASB has launched its redesigned and restructured website. This news item offers an brief overview of the new structure and provides links to the most frequently searched for content.

There are two major reasons for the IASB to move to a new website: (i) new technological developments have come about that the IASB wanted to use and share with its readers and (ii) the structure behind the old website did not reflect the IASB's needs and priorities anymore - information was scattered about the place in a not intuitive manner and was often difficult to locate.

On the new technology, two points deserve mentioning. The new website includes 'follow me' options for individual projects and groups that allow readers to tailor the information flow from the IASB according to their needs. And also, the IASB has redesigned its website in a responsive manner, so the site is now also easily accessible from a range of devices, including mobile phones.

On the structure, the following aspects deserve pointing out:

  • The new website follows a strict access to projects through the work plan. The work plan itself can be filtered by kind of project (research, standard-setting, maintenance) and by project name, project type and projects with documents that are open for comment. Under each project you can then filter for project stage, news, meeting notes, published documents etc.
  • The IASB acknowledges the different user groups it has - from the homepage you can directly go to resources for academics, the accounting profession, investors, the media, national standard-setters, preparers, regulators, students.

Below is a list of links to the most frequently sought after sub pages on the IASB website:

The IASB press release and a 'getting started' page will give you more information about how to use and navigate the new site. For historical information, the IASB has also set up an archive - please note, however, that information in the archive will not be updated anymore and that it is not clear how long the archive will remain available.

Please do also note the following points about the new site:

  • The IASB has currently set a 2014 cut-off date for its new website. For older information, we suggest you use our IAS Plus meeting note archive and our UK Accounting Plus news archive.
  • With the IASB moving to a completely restructured website, most of the links and bookmarks you have saved will be broken. IAS Plus has been in close contact with the IASB through the development process and, we have replaced our links with links to the IASB archive for all historical information. However, on the both sites you might come across broken links.

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